
Your task is to implement the C Standard Library function atoi. atoi takes in a const char * that is guaranteed to be a numerical string, e.g. "123", and returns the numerical form of that string.

For example,

atoi("123") -> 123
atoi("19") -> 19

Your function should take in command line arguments (which are guaranteed to be numerical), and use your implementation of atoi to convert them into a number, and print it out.

Furthermore, once you have printed out all the command line arguments, you should print out the sum and product of all these arguments.

The output from your program should look exactly like this:

$ dcc atoi.c -o atoi
$ ./atoi 3 2
5 6


It is guaranteed that the command lines argument given in the autotest are numerical.

You should not use the library implementation of atoi as that defeats the whole purpose of this exercise.

CSE Autotest

When you think your program is working, you can use CSE autotest to test your solution.

$ 1511 csesoc-autotest atoi


You can view the solution code to this problem here.